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About... Permanent Makeup by Frances

WHAT is PERMANENT MAKEUP...Permanent Makeup, also known as cosmetic micropigmentation is the art of implanting pigment into the skin for aesthetic purposes to enhance and outline facial features.  It can be said that permanent makeup is the "Softer Side of Tattooing". The instruments used are much more delicate in design and the pigments are created for the face. Only specialists trained in micropigmentation can perform this procedure on the face.  Frances uses the most current techniques that are specially designed for the delicate face areas, providing natural looking results.  Frances is a licensed tattoo artist with the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, certified and insured.


HOW is the DESIRED LOOK and SHADES of COLORING DETERMINED...Frances Pellegrin has been an artist her entire life and chose the Beauty Industry as her profession for over 38 years.  Frances will schedule an extensive consultation regarding both the exact enhancement and coloring desired.  She will recommend the specific procedure and pigment colors to best compliment your skin tone, hair color and lifestyle.  Frances will demonstrate the expected results by showing you how the enhancements will look on you before actually performing the procedure.


HOW LONG does the PROCEDURE TAKE, are there any DISCOMFORTS and HOW LONG to RECOVER...Most procedures take two hours. Anesthetics are applied to the area for twenty minutes before the procedure and during the procedure which significantly  block pain.  Some redness and swelling can be expected for 24 to 48 hours following the procedure.  Regular routines can be resumed immediately after.  However, you may not sweat, suntan or swim for 10 days. Frances will give you aftercare instructions to follow for the 10 days. You may apply your daily makeup afterwards, avoiding the treated area while it heals.  Area will start to heal between 5 to 7 days.  Some skin peeling and lightening of the pigment is normal.



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